We Will Seek Justice For Your Injuries

SSDI Attorneys in Lake Charles

It is not easy or quick to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. It is estimated that at least 60 percent of all applicants are turned down when they first apply. You should not be discouraged if your claim was denied. An experienced lawyer can help you document your disabling condition and argue your case before a hearing judge.

Our Social Security attorneys of The Townsley Law Firm have a high success rate in appealing denied claims. We believe our litigation skills and medical background can make a difference in your case. Our Lake Charles law office handles disability claims in southwest Louisiana.

If you are experiencing difficulty with an initial claim or appeal for Social Security Disability benefits, contact us for a free initial consultation at 337-377-0584.

What Is Social Security Disability Insurance?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a payroll tax-funded, federal insurance program of the United States government. Managed by the Social Security Administration, it is designed to provide income to people who are unable to work because of a disability. Qualifying for disability benefits requires:

  • A physical or mental impairment that prevents the person from engaging in substantial gainful employment
  • That the person has been disabled from work for 12 at least months or expects to be
  • That the person has earned sufficient work credits by working five out of the last 10 years

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a separate federal welfare program for people who do not have enough work credits or who have never worked. SSDI benefits are based on the person’s Social Security contributions, while SSI provides a low fixed benefit.

Conditions And Impairments That May Qualify For SSDI And SSI Benefits

SSDI and SSI have the same medical criteria. You must have a qualifying physical or mental impairment that prevents you from working for at least 12 months. Unfortunately, many people who are unable to get a job or sustain work because of a disabling condition are nevertheless denied benefits.

Our lead Social Security Disability lawyer, Damon Beard, earned his undergraduate degree in microbiology and pre-med studies. He understands the Social Security Administration’s listed criteria for various impairments better than most attorneys, and that knowledge helps him obtain the proper medical records and tests to convince the hearing judge to award benefits.

The Townsley Law Firm has helped countless clients secure benefits for both physical conditions and mental impairments, including:

  • Traumatic injuries such as broken bones
  • Disorders of the spine (herniated disk, cervical fractures, etc.)
  • Ischemic heart disease or chronic heart failure
  • Chronic liver disease and kidney disease
  • Complications of diabetes
  • Inflammatory diseases (arthritis, fibromyalgia)
  • Immune deficiencies (multiple sclerosis, AIDS/HIV)
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Depression or bipolar disorder
  • Panic attacks and anxiety disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Schizophrenia

This is not a complete list of the recognized impairments, but the SSA regularly rejects claims in all of these categories. If you do not strictly meet the requirements of a particular listing, you may still qualify based on your age (50 or older), residual functional capacity, education and job skills, past relevant work and the availability of suitable jobs in your vicinity.

Why Applying For Social Security Disability Is The Right Choice

It takes some people with disabilities time to come to the conclusion that applying for SSD is the right thing to do. People with relatively new injuries or illnesses often believe that SSD is a “government handout,” and pride stands in the way of filing legitimate claims. In fact, Social Security Disability Insurance is very much like any type of insurance. If you have worked for years and are paying into the system, you are eligible to apply for benefits if you become disabled and qualify.

We encourage clients to file their own initial application. If they are approved, they may not need an attorney’s help unless the Social Security Administration later tries to reduce or terminate benefits. If the claim is denied, we will amend the case file, request a hearing date and prepare for trial. The administrative law judge hearing represents the best chance of winning benefits. If the ALJ ruling is not favorable, our lawyer can discuss the merits of further appeals.

Don’t Lose Hope – Many Claims Are Initially Denied

Social Security Disability payments can bridge the gap left by the income you are no longer able to earn by working. You should be ready to apply for SSD benefits once it is clear that a disability prevents you from continuing to work full time. It is helpful to know that the vast majority of claims are initially denied. If you are experiencing difficulties in the application process, we welcome your call. We can offer advice and let you know what to do next if your claim is denied.

The Townsley Law Firm represents people whose SSD applications have been denied. Do not become discouraged if your application is rejected the first time. Once you are ready to appeal the denial of your SSD claim, our law firm can represent you in the necessary administrative hearing.

We have helped many clients overcome claim denials. We can represent you on a contingency basis in an appeal after an SSD claim has been denied. A successful appeal can bring about a lump-sum payment of back benefits. Our attorneys’ fees come from your payout of back benefits. You will not owe lawyers’ fees until and unless we succeed at recovering benefits for you.

Get Advice On Applying For Social Security Disability

You aren’t required to hire an attorney when seeking SSD benefits. However, an attorney can make the process considerably easier and improve your chances of success – especially when appealing a denied claim. Though it is unfortunate to say, the truth is that the average person has little chance of winning a hearing without the assistance of a qualified professional who understands the complex bureaucracy and the medical aspects of the case.

To learn more about how we can help, contact our office in Lake Charles today. There is no charge for our advice during an initial consultation. To get started, email our office or call 337-377-0584.