We Will Seek Justice For Your Injuries

Medical Malpractice Attorneys

When doctors and nurses do not follow standard procedures, the results can be devastating, including lasting injury or death. Medical professionals should be held accountable for mistakes and malpractice, but medical malpractice lawsuits are very expensive and very difficult to win. You need to start with the right attorneys to have any hope of recovering compensation.

The Townsley Law Firm has the experience and the resources to take on medical malpractice litigation. Members of our legal team have unique medical backgrounds that help us evaluate, investigate and prove malpractice claims. Our medical malpractice attorneys handle cases in Calcasieu Parish, southwest Louisiana and statewide.

Our law office in Lake Charles offers free consultations. Call us at 337-377-0584.

Recovering Compensation For All Types Of Medical Malpractice

As one of the largest medical malpractice firms in Louisiana, we have recovered compensation for all types of medical negligence, including:

Our Medical Insights Are A Key Advantage

Potential medical malpractice claims must go through a medical review panel — three physicians who practice in the same specialty or related area of medicine. We prepare a package that explains the case. The panel determines whether there was a breach in the accepted standard of care. If the panelists are unanimous in finding negligence, the medical providers may be willing to settle the claim. If the panelists are split or vote thumbs down, the claim may or may not be worth pursuing.

Our highly qualified lawyers have the ability to objectively review potential claims and the resources to pursue a good case all the way to trial if necessary. Todd Townsley has over 20 years of experience in medical malpractice litigation. Damon Beard’s undergraduate degree in microbiology and pre-med and his experience in the medical community also help us explore and manage malpractice claims. We also have an experienced paralegal who only handles medical cases.

Do You Have A Medical Malpractice Case?

A bad outcome of medical care or even a loved one’s death is not necessarily malpractice. There is a high threshold to prove that the medical staff deviated from the standard of care. Our attorneys have the experience to investigate and prove cases where medical malpractice played a role in injury or death. If proper care was not given to you or your loved one, you may have a malpractice claim.

Our unique qualifications and great relationships with local physicians enable us to get on top of the cases from the very beginning to put our clients in the best position to recover compensation. We work with top medical experts in Louisiana and nationwide to establish wrongdoing and maximize damages for the devastating aftermath in the lives of our clients.

Free Case Evaluation For Your Malpractice Claim

For a free consultation and case evaluation, call our medical malpractice attorneys at 337-377-0584 or email our office.