Lake Charles Jones Act Claims Attorney
The Jones Act, formerly known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, defines seamen’s rights regarding work on boats, ships, ferries, fishing boats, barges, and most offshore oil rigs. The Jones Act clearly defines seamen’s rights to seek and obtain compensations and benefits resulting from an illness or injury caused by unseaworthy vessels or negligence of its owner, captain, or crew.
The Jones Act is a United States Federal Statute that regulates maritime activities in U.S. waters and between U.S. ports. The Jones Act Statute applies in all commercial vessels operating on the ocean as well as intracoastal waterways, navigable rivers, and canals. When a worker is injured, the first step in seeking compensation is to determine the status of the worker under the Jones Act and how Maritime Law may be applied. This is sometimes difficult because the Jones Act does not clearly define how a worker is classified as a Jones Act Seaman.
A Jones Act Seaman is entitled to certain rights in the event of illness or injury while on the job. These rights may include wages, medical care, food and shelter, and possibly lost wages due to injury or illness. Unfortunately, many seamen are unaware of their rights. In some cases, owners know that seamen are unaware of their rights and will not offer them the full benefit of their rights.
If a worker is injured on the job, he may be entitled to certain compensation and benefits. Benefits and compensations may extend to a seaman who falls ill while working. The attorneys at Townsley Law Firm are available to help sort out the details and determine the status of an injured or ill worker under the Jones Act. After status as a Jones Act Seaman is established, our maritime lawyers will determine your rights to compensation. Compensation may include medical expenses, medications, treatments, and on-going health costs.
Serious injury to a Jones Act Seaman may have long lasting effects. Depending on the nature of the injury, the seaman may not only suffer physically but may also affect the seaman’s emotional and financial health. The impact of the injury may also affect the seaman’s long term ability to earn a living. In these cases, legal representation ensures compensation to the fullest extent of the law.
In the event of an illness or injury, it is important to work with an attorney who is skilled in the Jones Act Statute. This ensures that fair compensation is awarded to the seaman. The statute of limitations in these types of cases is limited to 3 years from the date of the accident. Any lawsuits related to the accident must be filed within this time period. The Jones Act Lawyers at Townsley Law Firm have the experience and expertise to help you with your claim.
Contact the Jones Act lawyers of the Townsley Law Firm today for a free initial consultation by calling 337-377-0584 or by submitting the form on this page.