We Will Seek Justice For Your Injuries

Lake Charles Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

Brain injuries affect different people in different ways. Many people who have experienced head trauma are not initially diagnosed with brain injury, especially if they have sustained other visible or life-threatening injuries in the accident.

Timely diagnosis and treatment can be critical to the long-term recovery from a traumatic brain injury. If you suspect a loved one has suffered brain damage, The Townsley Law Firm can help you connect with top medical specialists. We are here to help victims and families in every way while we are working hard behind the scenes to maximize compensation.

Our Lake Charles personal injury lawyers take brain injury cases in Calcasieu Parish, southwest Louisiana and statewide. Call 337-377-0584 for a free initial consultation..

Successful Traumatic Brain Injury Law Firm

We have obtained many verdicts and settlements for head trauma and traumatic brain injury (TBI). We have handled the spectrum from concussion and post-concussion syndrome to skull fracture, subdural hematoma, profound brain damage and coma.

Our trial lawyers excel at establishing liability for personal injury, including brain trauma from motor vehicle crashes, falling accidents, explosions, chemical exposure and oxygen deprivation. We have successfully sued employers, surgeons and anesthesiologists, product manufacturers and other entities whose negligence caused or contributed to brain injury.

Documenting The Impact Of A Traumatic Brain Injury

It is often family and friends who first notice that their loved one is not quite right after an accident. Brain injuries can manifest in many ways, depending on the area of the brain and degree of damage: headaches and ringing ears, impaired vision, dizziness or vertigo, cognitive deficits, trouble concentrating, speech problems, impaired balance and coordination, mood swings and personality change.

Our first concern is to make sure that clients are properly diagnosed and treated to prevent further damage and make the quickest and fullest recovery possible. We have connections with the top neurologists and neuro-psychologists in Louisiana and beyond, and we can help families bridge the costs of treatment if they lack insurance coverage.

We then work closely with injured victims, families and medical providers to document the symptoms and the disabling effect of brain trauma and make the case for compensation:

  • Lost wages and future earnings
  • Medical treatment and nursing care
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Psychological counseling
  • Pain and suffering
  • Reduced quality of life

Committed To Comprehensive Compensation

Our trial lawyers have unique medical backgrounds that give us an edge in negotiations or at trial. We can explain the effects of brain injury in a compelling and understandable way for juries and insurance adjusters to validate our claims for damages.

We provide compassionate support throughout the process. Call 337-377-0584 or or contact us online to discuss your case with our Lake Charles traumatic brain injury attorneys. We offer a free consultation, including home or hospital visits.