We Will Seek Justice For Your Injuries

Personal Injury

What are the signs of a broken wrist?

One of the most common and yet frequently overlooked injuries in any type of accident is a broken wrist. The wrist is susceptible to fractures and breaks because of its structure and placement. In many cases, a broken wrist results from a fall because people try to...

Brain injuries and visual snow syndrome

Vision problems are a common sign of a brain injury. If you have recently noticed flickering dots resembling television static disrupting your field of vision, you may have a condition called visual snow syndrome. While some cases of visual snow syndrome are mild,...

FAQs about car crash claims

One of the most deadly tasks that Americans undertake is driving. Unfortunately, Louisiana is one of the more deadly states. The statistics are overwhelming. The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development recorded almost 600 deaths in 2021. They also...

What to expect after a concussion

Car accidents, unfortunately, happen, and even a minor one may result in a concussion. While considered a mild traumatic brain injury, this condition should never go untreated. According to the CDC, there were 64,362 TBI-related deaths in 2020. After sustaining any...

Dooring: A Serious Threat to Bicyclists

Not only do uneven roads and fellow riders pose a risk to cyclists, but inattentive motorists in stationary vehicles can become dangerous when exiting their automobiles. The act of "dooring" is when a vehicle occupant hits a cyclist while opening a door. Bike riders...

Are pain and suffering real?

How much do people have to suffer before it becomes an injury? This is the seemingly impossible question you have to answer when you are negotiating a car accident injury claim. The claimant's side would probably argue that any increased stress, pain or discomfort is...


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