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Signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy

On Behalf of | Jul 13, 2020 | Medical Malpractice

Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects a person’s ability to balance and move. It is a motor disability that may be due to abnormal brain development or an accident during birth. How do you know if your baby has cerebral palsy?

According to the CDC, the signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy vary based on the age of the baby.

Symptoms before 6 months old

In babies younger than six months old, parents may not notice cerebral palsy right away. A baby may feel still and floppy. Also, his or her head may lag when you pick the baby up. This is especially true when picking the baby up on his or her back. Sometimes, if you lift the baby, his or her legs may cross or scissor.

Symptoms over 6 months old

After six months old, parents expect their babies to roll over. A baby with cerebral palsy may not roll over. Babies may also have difficulty lifting their hands to their mouths or bringing their hands together. Another sign of cerebral palsy includes reaching out with one hand while the other hand remains in a fist.

Symptoms over 10 months old

A baby older than 10 months may scoot around on his or her bottom, but will not crawl on all fours. The baby might also hop on his or her knees. A 10 months old, many babies sit without help and can pull themselves up to stand, explains Mayo Clinic. They have better hand-eye coordination.  To know a baby’s milestones, you can tell if something is there matter.


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