A car accident can affect anyone in Louisiana, even those whose job it is to help others. This applies to first responders like law enforcement, emergency technicians, tow truck drivers and more. Car accidents do not discriminate and the aftermath can have the same issues for all. Anyone who suffers injuries or loses a loved one in a collision should be aware that they have the same rights as others to file a claim to receive compensation.
A car accident in which a vehicle was sideswiped in a hit-and-run was being investigated by a law enforcement officer not long after 5 a.m. when another accident occurred. In the first accident, a Toyota Corolla had been hit and the other driver fled the scene. The officer was helping the injured driver and had returned to his cruiser to get a medical kit when another vehicle, a Kia Optima, hit a car that was stopped behind the officer’s cruiser. That vehicle was pushed forward and hit the officer’s car.
The officer’s vehicle went across three lanes on the roadway and ended up on the opposite side. He was airlifted to the hospital and was found to have broken his shoulder blade and suffered other injuries. They are not believed to be life-threatening. Police said the 29-year-old driver of the Kia was found to be operating his vehicle under the influence and was arrested.
There might be a perception that law enforcement officers and other first responders are able to avoid these types of accidents because of their experience. However, that is unfortunately not the case. Injuries suffered in a car crash can affect anyone and have long-lasting implications that can negatively influence a person’s life. There could be significant medical costs, treatment, and the inability to return to work in a timely fashion, if at all. When there is a car accident, it is wise to speak to a legal professional about a possible personal injury legal filing no matter who was involved.
Source: wwltv.com, “St. John deputy airlifted after drunk driver strikes vehicle on I-10,” Danny Monteverde, Kevin Dupuy, July 3, 2017