Spinal cord injuries are fairly common for people who have been injured in a car accident. These injuries can cause irreversible damage to the spine, causing car accident victims a lifetime of pain and difficulty. Many accident victims struggle to care for themselves and are unable to move or speak properly. Physical therapy and other treatments may help improve their condition, but it is unlikely that those with severe trauma to the spinal cord will ever go back to how they used to be before the accident.
However, researchers overseas are hoping that their new study will help give those with spinal damage hope for a better recovery. After successful animal testing, researchers are starting a three-year world-trial on humans. Trial participants will be given an anti-inflammatory drug within 12 hours of their spinal cord injury. The purpose of the drug is to reduce tissue damage and, therefore, significantly improve the patient’s recovery.
The drug proved to be effective in mice, but it is unclear how effective it will be in humans. However, if all goes well, spinal cord injury patients may see improvement in their mobility and breathing ability.
While this trial could mean great things for future spinal cord injury victims, those with existing spinal injuries may not be helped by this trial. Fortunately, Louisiana accident victims who have suffered a spinal cord injury have legal options to recover financial damages for their medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. By filing suit against the person responsible for their injuries, they may be able to move forward from the accident and focus on their physical and emotional recovery.
Source: Medical Xpress, “New trial may revolutionise treatment of spinal cord injury patients,” Jan. 20, 2017