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A closer look at work-related traffic collisions

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2022 | Workers' Compensation

Whether your job duties involve driving a taxi, a large truck or any type of vehicle, it is crucial to understand the risks that you face on the road. Work-related traffic collisions are particularly concerning, and the aftermath of a crash could prevent you from working and shatter your career. This could lead to serious financial challenges and emotional hurdles as well.

On top of the emotional and financial impact of a collision, the physical toll of a crash could leave you with high levels of pain. If you suffer from broken bones or become immobilized, this could interfere with various facets of your life outside of work as well.

Data on work-related traffic collisions

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention goes over traffic accident risks that workers in various fields face. For example, many truck drivers, first responders, oil and gas workers and law enforcement officials become injured in on-the-job motor vehicle collisions. In the U.S., traffic crashes cause more work-related fatalities than any other type of accident. Between 2003 and 2018, over 29,000 workers died in traffic collisions while performing their job duties.

In 2019 alone, 1,270 workers lost their lives in motor vehicle collisions on public roads, representing 24% of job-related fatalities over the course of the year. Furthermore, 577 workers lost their lives in traffic accidents that occurred off of public roads or while walking.

The impact of a work-related traffic crash injury

The financial toll of traffic accidents involving workers is significant, and employers paid $75,000 for every nonfatal injury in 2019, on average. As a worker, you could struggle due to medical costs, rehabilitation and lost wages. It is critical to explore your options in the wake of a work-related crash to secure any benefits that could help you recover.


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