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Get the facts about Louisiana workers’ compensation

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2020 | Workers' Compensation

Louisiana has a no-fault workers’ compensation system. Employees who experience a work-related illness or injury can receive coverage for medical bills and lost wages regardless of how the accident occurred.

Review the basic process of filing a workers’ compensation claim in Louisiana.

Exploring available compensation

The OWCA provides employees financial coverage for catastrophic injury, reasonable medical care, permanent or temporary disability, lost work time, and job education or retraining if appropriate. Employees can see the doctor of their choice.

Benefit amounts vary based on the extent of the person’s injury and his or her work history. Payments for pain and suffering are not available through the state workers’ compensation program. However, an injured person can sue for pain and suffering when the employer’s negligence caused the accident.

Filing a claim

Employees have 30 days from the injury or diagnosis to give their employer written notice of the claim. They must include their complete contact information and provide thorough details about the injury or illness.

After receiving notice of a workers’ comp claim, employers have 10 days to notify the Louisiana Office of Workers’ Compensation Administration. The agency will make a benefits determination based on the person’s health situation, employment skills, work history and other factors. Employees receive either a denial notice or a benefits confirmation within a few weeks of the initial notification.

Workers who receive a denial letter can file an appeal, with the representation of an attorney if desired. The appeal is subject to a one-year statute of limitations from the injury or diagnosis date.


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