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Misdiagnosis leads to additional trouble for patient in Louisiana

On Behalf of | May 21, 2014 | Medical Malpractice

Many people in Louisiana realize the importance of good health and prefer the advice of medical professionals they know and trust. Medical professionals are highly regarded due to the nature of their profession and it is very important that doctors and nurses understand the importance of their roles.

While many doctors follow rules and standard procedures for medical treatment, some may choose to ignore them, leading to complexities and additional medical problems for the patient. Recently, a person filed a lawsuit after a nurse practitioner misdiagnosed appendicitis, leading to a bad outcome for the patient.

It is stated that the patient suffered from nausea, abdominal pain and hiccupping for a day. The patient’s wife called the clinic and was prescribed a stomach medication and was given an appointment for two days later. The patient took the medicine for acid reflux, a condition he did not have, but his symptoms did not improve.

The patient called the facility for a recommendation, and was only able to reach the nurse practitioner. The next day the patient kept the appointment and his condition worsened. The nurse practitioner saw him, but did not inspect his stomach or carry out a physical examination. The patient’s condition continued to worsen and went to a hospital emergency room where was diagnosed with a burst appendix. The patient had surgery and stayed in the hospital for two weeks.

The course of this medical nightmare has diminished the patient’s quality of life, caused a loss of household income, pain and suffering and mental anguish, for which he has filed a lawsuit. He has also requested compensation for his medical expenses, lost wages and other related expenses.

Understanding medical malpractice laws and the procedure involved for investigation may be helpful to a victim. Medical and legal professionals can provide invaluable guidance for victims in order to bring about a successful outcome to a lawsuit.

Source: The Louisiana Record, “Nurse practitioner and clinic sued for allegedly misdiagnosing man’s appendicitis,” Kyle Barnett, May 7, 2014


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