Professional drivers and major trucking companies might be at odds over a new idea about increasing the size of commercial trucks allowed on the nation’s roadways. A study by the Federal Highway Administration is being conducted to see if the size of trucks should be allowed to increase.
While this increase could be benefitial to some companies, because it would allow them to increase the amount of goods they would be able to transport on a single tank of gas, some professionals say it is not necessary and could even be dangerous.
Trucking professionals argue that increasing the allowed size and weight of trucks on the roads would not benefit many trucking companies because they are often too small to afford newer larger trucks. Many oversized semi-trucks already come with special technology to help a driver control the vehicle, but if this technology fails, the results can be dangerous.
Inexperienced drivers might rely on this technology, and if it fails they might lose control of the vehicle, potentially causing a catastrophic car accident in Lake Charles. If the people who drive these trucks everyday don’t think that the size should be increased and are concerned about safety, it might be difficult for the industry to justify a change.
However, many trucks on the roads still cause significant accidents. If someone is injured because of a car-truck accident, they might be wise to speak with an experienced Lake Charles personal injury attorney who can help them understand their rights and possibly seek compensation for their injuries.
Source: Land Line magazine, “Supersized trucks? The professionals on the road say no,” David Tanner, June 6, 2013