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College professor lost in fatal bike accident

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2013 | Motorcycle Accidents

Residents of the country’s southern most region enjoy an extended motorcycle riding season. Louisiana, Texas, and other states along the gulf and border are fortunate to be able to ride almost, if not entirely, year-round.

Sadly, this privilege can sometimes lead to tragic outcomes, as other car and truck drivers continue to overlook the motorcyclists with which they share the road. This past weekend, one man riding just beyond the Louisiana state border was caught in a tragic accident.

The 36-year-old man, an assistant professor of biology at Wiley College in Marshall, Texas, was killed in a motorcycle accident after his bike was struck by a pickup truck. The man was traveling west on Highway 80 the eastbound truck attempted a left turn onto Loop 390, directly in front of the motorcyclist. The incident took place at roughly 6 p.m., January 4.

The man was taken by paramedics to a hospital where he died of injuries sustained in the collision. Faculty, students, and staff at Wiley have all expressed their grief and condolences for the victim’s family and friends. Currently, Marshall Police are further investigating the accident.

In the wake of a deadly accident, the family of a victim can often find themselves unsure where to turn. As medical and burial costs mount, the process of saying an unexpected goodbye to the victim of a motorcycle accident quickly brings about not only considerable grief but serious expense.

However, the reckless or negligent acts of other drivers involved may warrant a valid, compelling wrongful death suit. Getting in touch with a personal injury attorney can help answer questions and begin the reclaiming of financial damages for the family.

Source: KSLA, “Wiley College mourns loss of asst. professor,” Bean Staggs, Jan. 7, 2012

· Motorcycle accidents are almost always of a heightened severity. Contact our Lake Charles personal injury law page for information on how to win restitution after a collision.


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