Motorcyclists know they must take every precaution possible when on the road. Whether commuting to and from work or school or enjoying a scenic weekend ride, the actions of other motorists expose them to serious dangers. Even the most seasoned rider may experience an...
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Motorcycle Accidents
What are the common causes of Louisiana auto accident deaths?
According to 2018 data from the Insurance Information Institute, Louisiana's fatal auto accident rate is significantly higher than the national average. The state has an average of 16.5 auto accident deaths per 100,000 residents, compared to just 11.2 per 100,000 for...
How do motorcyclists get road rash?
Louisiana motorcyclists face unique injury risks that other drivers do not. One of these injuries is road rash. Today we will discuss how this injury occurs. We will take a look at the different levels of severity of these injuries and more. Road rash is a term used...
Why is wearing a helmet on a motorcycle important?
There are few things that motorcyclists love more than freedom, and many people believe that riding a motorcycle comes with the freedom to not wear a motorcycle helmet. This belief is so strong in Louisiana that in 1999, the universal helmet law in Louisiana was...
With crashes, the stakes are higher when motorcycles are involved
With summer weather in full swing, you may have already taken the cover off your bike and began preparing it for travel on Louisiana roads. The feel of the breeze on your face and the excitement of hitting the open road on two wheels can be a freeing feeling, one that...
College professor lost in fatal bike accident
Residents of the country's southern most region enjoy an extended motorcycle riding season. Louisiana, Texas, and other states along the gulf and border are fortunate to be able to ride almost, if not entirely, year-round.Sadly, this privilege can sometimes lead to...